Riverbend Conservancy
Located in the Town of Trenton, WI, Riverbend is 88 acres. It is one of the few large tracts of undeveloped land along the Milwaukee River in Washington County. On the northern part of the site is a 20 acre lowland hardwood forest, which serves as a wonderful example of what the river basin looked like before European settlement. Never farmed because of its swampy bottom, it remains very rich and especially diverse in tree species.
Most of the remaining 68 acres are in agricultural production. Slowly trees will replace crops as the property reverts to pre-settlement mature hardwood forest. Two buffer strips were established along the east and west shorelines to reduce erosion and a nine-acre area was planted into trees in 2013. A pull-off is available for canoeists to take a rest, have a snack or enjoy the property’s tranquility. The site’s long term goal includes not only the forest planting and invasive species removal but building kiosks and signage to enhance the visitor experience. Visit this preserve to hike, bird watch, hunt, boat or fish. Pets on leash welcome.
Location: West Bend, WI
Size: 88 Acres
Google Map Link: Click Here
Download Trail Map: Click Here