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Request for Proposals: Preserve Integrity Project - Survey of Select Land Trust Properties

Updated: Oct 9, 2024

Project Overview

The Ozaukee Washington Land Trust (hereafter Land Trust) owns and manages 2,430 acres of

nature preserves, with over 1,300 acres of that total (over half) having been acquired in the last

ten years. The Land Trust is in the final stage of acquiring the properties of River Revitalization

Foundation, a land trust in Milwaukee County. The service area of the combined land trusts’

properties contains a mix of urban and rural land uses, including a variety of developed

landscapes (industrial, commercial, high and low density residential), working lands

(predominantly crop land), and natural areas including forests, fields and waterways. A recent

GIS evaluation revealed that our nature preserves share boundaries with over 700 parcels of land

represented by over 500 distinct landowners. Nearly all our preserves were acquired using state

or federal agency grants to supplement private donations. Maintaining the integrity of our

preserves is vital to meeting our public trust obligations, and requires sound process, adequate

resources, and significant diligence. This Request for Proposals is part of our Preserve Integrity

Project, which is designed to promote the land trust’s charitable mission of effectively protecting

and stewarding land and water resources in the public trust.

This RFP seeks bids for updated professional surveys that will increase the accuracy and density

of boundary markers on 25 of our preserves. This will allow staff to confidently identify

boundary issues with adjacent landowners.

Project Goals and Objectives

The goal of this project is to better protect the integrity of the Land Trust’s nature preserves.

More accurate boundary markings will improve our ability to identify boundary issues during

site visits and create an effective and defensible process to follow when boundary issues are

identified. Our objectives are to improve boundary markings by creating more visible lines

through new line markers and placing additional markers on boundaries with many neighbors,

especially those neighbors who are encroaching on our property lines. When this project is

completed, the Land Trust staff will place additional signage along the newly surveyed property

lines and initiate communications with neighbors to ensure that they are aware of the property


Scope of Work

The Land Trust seeks professional boundary surveys on the preserves listed in Appendix A. The

scope of work includes all office and field work necessary to provide boundary surveys of 25 of

the Land Trust’s preserves, listed in Appendix A, including the activities and deliverables described below. Each property will have a variable number of survey markers placed along the

boundaries based upon considerations such as the density of neighboring parcels, on-site

boundary visibility (e.g., vegetation density and topographic variation), preserve user activity,

and historic and current issues. The table in Appendix A provides an approximate number of

additional markers desired for each property.

Activities and deliverables will include:

1. Research and compile Deeds and Legal Documents as necessary.

2. Check monumentation of property corners and reset any which are missing.

3. Locate structures, fences, and encroachments, if any. In the case of encroachments,

provide photographs of the areas in question.

4. Stake points along the lot lines at 300’ intervals, or closer depending on the parcel and

sight lines (see Appendix A).

5. Prepare a signed plat of survey drawing in pdf form to include the above items.

6. Provide cad drawing (dwg) file of each map in the NAD83 coordinate system for

incorporation into the Land Trust’s GIS system (ArcGIS Pro v3)

Project Timeline

9/25/2024 RFP circulated to survey firms

10/1/2024 Deadline to submit questions by 5pm and RSVP to the Q&A session.

10/4/2024 Virtual Q&A Session with interested parties On Friday, October 4 from 10-11 AM. Teams link will be sent to RSVPs.

10/7/2024 Questions answered and posted publicly

10/16/2024 Deadline for submissions by 8pm

10/23-25/2024 Interviews of selected candidates

10/29/2024 Selected firm chosen

11/7/2024 Final Contract Executed

11/7/2024 Project Start Date

3/1/2025 Project Completion Date

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria: • Cost: The total price of the proposal, as well as the reasonableness, explanation, and budget detail of the cost. • Experience: The vendor's experience, demonstrated by a minimum of 3 examples of similar projects, qualifications of staff, and record of performance. • Technical capabilities: The vendor's technical approach and capabilities to deliver on all activities and deliverables. • Project approach: The vendor's approach to the project. • Customer references: The vendor's reputation and customer references from similar survey projects.

Submission Requirements

We appreciate your consideration of our Request for Proposal (RFP). All responses to the RFP must be received no later than 8:00 PM on October 16, 2024.

Send complete proposal package by email to:

Josh Schlicht Stewardship Manager

Include in the subject of the email: [Your Company Name] Survey - RFP

All questions and requests to participate in the Q&A session are to be addressed to the same. RFP responses shall be submitted via email as a PDF document. Responses shall be provided on an 8 ½” x 11” page format (excluding exhibits, samples, or other attachments) in no smaller than 11-point font.

The Land Trust shall not be responsible or liable in any manner for the risks, costs or expenses incurred by any Firm or individual, including travel expenses, in the preparation of its response to this RFP. Failure to follow the submission process and timeline may result in a submission not being considered.

Method of Award

The evaluation of each response to this RFP will be based on the Firm’s demonstrated competence and responsiveness to the RFP, as well as project approach and budget. The purpose of this RFP is to identify those Firms that have the interest, experience, and capability to provide the requested services.

Selection and Notification

Firm(s) determined by The Land Trust to possess the demonstrated competence to complete this project will be selected to move into the negotiation phase of this process. Written notification will be sent to these Firms via e-mail to the primary contact provided by the Firm in its response. Those Firms not selected will also be notified of their status in the process. The Land Trust may select a Firm solely based on its review and evaluation of written proposals. Alternatively, the Land Trust may screen the proposals and interview several Firms, and then select a Firm based on its evaluation of the proposal and the interview. Should the Land Trust not find a suitable vendor within the RFP process, The Land Trust is not obligated to award the project to any Firm. In completing this project, the Land Trust is accessing project funding sources that require the Land Trust and any firm it contracts with to comply with certain state and federal reporting and transparency processes and record keeping requirements, including the State of Wisconsin nondiscrimination and affirmative action requirements. Confidentiality

Information disclosed by the Land Trust during the selection process is to be considered strictly confidential. Information must not be released to external parties without the express prior written consent of the Land Trust. All responses and other materials which are submitted in response to this RFP will become the property of the Land Trust. In addition, the Land Trust assumes no obligation and shall incur no liability regarding confidentiality of all or any portion of a response, excluding pricing/cost information clearly identified as confidential by the responder, or any other material submitted in response to this RFP unless expressly agreed in writing to protect specifically identified information

See PDF for the full proposal and Appendix A.

Please see the FAQs for commonly asked questions and answers.

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