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Huiras Lake
Located in the Town of Fredonia, WI within the 435-acre Huiras Lake Woods and Bog Natural Area, Huiras Lake State Natural Area is 113 acres. This preserve contains 26 acres of back water seepage lake, 80 acres of hardwood and a conifer swamp. The lack of recent disturbances combined with absence of introduced exotic plant species renders this area among the most pristine wetlands in southeastern Wisconsin. Additionally, Huiras Lake’s plant communities are very unusual for the southeastern Wisconsin region. The plant communities of Huiras Lake are more typical of those found in Northern Wisconsin. Visit this preserve to hike, bird watch, fish, hunt, boat or cross country ski. Pets on leash welcome.
Location: Fredonia, WI
Size: 113 Acres
Google Map Link: Click Here
Download Trail Map: Click Here

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