Fellenz Woods
Located in the town of Trenton, WI, Fellenz Woods is 160 acres. This preserve contains nearly 1.5 miles of undeveloped Milwaukee River frontage, 15 acres of lowland forest, numerous natural springs and a 50 acre virgin floodplain forest. In 2002 to enhance this already gorgeous natural terrain OWLT volunteers planted 60 acres with native grasses and flowers. OWLT staff and volunteers continue to maintain and enhance the native grassland by continuing to plant grasses and flowers but are also focused on restoring the remaining open areas to native hardwood forest. This process involves tree plantings concurrent with the removal of aggressive invasive species. The forest is a valuable wildlife habitat for amphibians, forest interior birds and waterfowl. Visit this preserve to hike, bird watch, fish, hunt or cross country ski. Pets on leash welcome.
Location: West Bend, WI
Size: 160 Acres
Google Map Link: Click Here
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