Ozaukee Washington Land Trust (OWLT) is a non-profit environmental organization whose mission is to preserve the water resources, natural areas, and working lands of Ozaukee and Washington Counties. OWLT owns and actively manages over 35 nature preserves in Ozaukee and Washington counties. OWLT believes all people should have access to the outdoors, a sustainable future, and the opportunity to become a steward of our shared natural resources.
Ozaukee Washington Land Trust is committed to honoring diverse experiences, perspectives, and unique identities while fostering work environments that are inclusive, equitable, and welcoming. The Land Trust does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or disability in any of its policies or programs.
Wildlife Biodiversity Program Development
Requests for Proposals
The Ozaukee Washington Land Trust ("The Land Trust") owns and manages over 2,400 acres across 36 nature preserves located in Washington, Ozaukee, and Milwaukee counties. These preserves lie within proximity to a mix of urban and rural land uses including a variety of developed landscapes (industrial, commercial, high and low density residential), working lands (predominantly crop land), and natural areas including forests, fields, and waterways.
The majority of the Land Trust's protected acres are within area delineated by the Southeast Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) as Primary and Secondary Environmental Corridors, including several designated as Natural Areas. These lands include diverse and relatively intact natural communities and yet wildlife data within these areas is often sparse or non-existent. With a better understanding of the historic and current wildlife species presence, the Land Trust will be better positioned to maintain and enhance biodiversity on these landscapes.
To foster wildlife biodiversity, we seek to identify species that are at-risk in a local context - species which are often overlooked in federal and state-wide assessments. Through this project, we will better characterize local wildlife populations, allowing us to implement "focal species" based management that will be supported through ongoing inventory and monitoring across our preserves.
Proposals must provide a comprehensive approach to how the proposed vendor will meet the goal, objectives, deliverables, timeline, and evaluation criteria described in the linked PDF document. A detailed cost schedule for wildlife surveys by taxa must be included. Send complete proposal package by email no later than:
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 at 8:00pm CDT
To: Josh Schlicht, Stewardship Manager, jschlicht@owlt.org
Please click the button link above to find the full Request For Proposal. Please send your proposal, all questions and requests to participate in the Q & A session are to be addressed to Josh Schlicht at the email above.
Virtual Q&A: Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:00am